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Filosofia, Scienze umane

Vi proponiamo 1023 libri

HumanaMente - 18
Weltbilder and Philosophy

A cura di  Renata Badii, Enrica Fabbri

Collana:  Rivista HumanaMente (18)

www.humanamente.eu - Table of Contents On approaching this issue of Humana.Mente, readers could maybe wonder why a theme such as that of ...

HumanaMente - 19
Composition, Counterfactuals and Causation

A cura di  Massimiliano Carrara, Roberto Ciuni, Giorgio Lando

Collana:  Rivista HumanaMente (19)

www.humanamente.eu - Table of Contents The problems of how the world is made, how things could have gone, and how causal relations work ...

HumanaMente - 21
Between Two Images. The Manifest and Scientific Conceptions of the Human Being, 50Years On

A cura di  Carlo Gabbani

Collana:  Rivista HumanaMente (21)

www.humanamente.eu - Table of Contents The relationship between common-sense representations of man and the world and scientific ...

HumanaMente - 20
Philosophy of Self-Deception

A cura di  Patrizia Pedrini

Collana:  Rivista HumanaMente (20)

www.humanamente.eu - Table of Contents The phenomenon of self-deception is one of those topics that, perhaps more than others, is capable ...

philosophical inquiries
volume 1, issue 1-2013

Collana:  philosophical inquiries (1)

Philosophical Inquiries is an Italian philosophical journal published in English. Its aim is to cover a wide range of philosophical questions of broad interest and belonging to diverse fields, such as epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, aesthetics, ...