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Studi Lockiani, 3, 2022

Ricerche sull'etą moderna

Autore/i: AA. VV.

Collana: Studi Lockiani (3)

Pagine: 320
Formato: cm.15x23
Anno: 2022
ISBN: 9788846764539

Stato: Disponibile
  • Descrizione

Indice Table of contents

Brunello Lotti and Paola Rumore, Introduction. Locke and the Enlightenment, p. 7


Peter R. Anstey, Locke and French Enlightenment Histories of Philosophy, p. 15

Paolo Quintili, Locke e il ‘Lockianesimo’ nell’Encyclopédie. Confronti e intersezioni, p. 41

Ruggero Sciuto, Bringing together the Essay and the Second Treatise: d’Holbach interpreter of Locke, p. 61

Anthony McKenna and Gianluca Mori, A short history of Locke’s “superaddition”: from Father Mersenne to Voltaire, p. 87

Raffaele Russo, I lockiani di Cambridge e le origini dell’utilitarismo, p. 119

Udo Thiel, Locke in Göttingen, p. 151

Giuliana Di Biase, Francesco Soave critic of John Locke’s Essay, p. 179

Hanna Szabelska, The Lockean Heritage in Jan Śniadecki’s Experimental Philosophy and its Reception, p. 197

Elena Muceni, Pétrir les hommes des Lumières: un siècle de traductions de Some Thoughts Concerning Education, p. 235

Charles T. Wolfe, Rethinking early modern empiricism: the case of Locke, p. 281


Brunello Lotti, recensione di Jessica Gordon-Roth, Shelley Weinberg (eds.), The Lockean Mind, Routledge, New York-London 2022, 620 pp. 307

Davide Poggi, recensione di Ruth Boeker, Locke on Persons and Personal Identity, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2021, 303 pp. 313