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HumanaMente - 16

History, Science and Technology. Proceedings of the International Workshop Held in Florence on June 2010

Autore/i: Aa.Vv.
A cura di: Matteo Gerlini

Collana: Rivista HumanaMente (16)

Pagine: 144
Formato: cm.14x21
Anno: 2012
ISBN: 9788846733351

Stato: Disponibile
  • Descrizione

www.humanamente.eu - Table of Contents

In this issue papers by:

GIOVANNI PAOLONI (University of Rome, La Sapienza)
Vito Volterra and the Making of Research Institutions in Italy and Abroad

ANGELO BARACCA (University of Florence)
Too Big or so Little? Nuclear Physics in the Thirties and Forties in USA and Japan

JOHN KRIGE (Georgia Tech Institute, GA, USA)
Maintaining America’s Competitive Technological Advantage: Cold War Leadership and the Transnational Co-production of Knowledge

ANTONIO TISEO (Rome 3 University)
The Carter Administration and its Non-Proliferation Policies: the Road to INFCE

DAVID BURIGANA (University of Padua)
The European Search for Aeronautical Technologies, and Technological Survival by Co-operation in the 1960s–1970s... with or without the Americans? Steps, ways, and Hypothesis in International History

FILIPPO PIGLIACELLI (University of Bologna)
Like a Stone Guest. European Space Cooperation and the Birth of the Community Research Policy (1960–1973)

LORENZA SEBESTA (University of Bologna)
commentari on Luisa Dolza Storia della tecnologia