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Trovati n. 2 Libri

Second Pisa Colloquium in Logic, Language and Epistemology
Autore:  Aa. Vv.
A cura di  Enrico Moriconi, Laura Tesconi

Collana:  analitica (9)

The origins of this collection of essays trace back to the “Pisa Summer Workshop in Proof Theory”, held in June 2012 at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Pisa, where several people urged the importance of devoting a volume to reflections concerning features of contemporary logic ...

Essays in Structural Proof Theory
Autore:  Laura Tesconi

Collana:  Analitica (6)

The three chapters that constitute this book bear a common denominator in being focused on the relationship between structural properties of two prominent formalizations of logical deduction: sequent calculus and natural deduction. This relation imposed itself as one of the key topics of ...