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Trovati n. 2 Libri

Introduction to Stochastic Processes and Queueing Theory
Second Edition

Autore:  Giancarlo Prati, Laura Prati

Collana:  fuori collana (0)

This textbook is born to introduce engineering students to topics of applied mathematics relevant in different fields of engineering, presenting in a unified way a rigorous treatment – but without heavy formalisms – of complex topics such as stochastic processes and queueing ...

Introduction to Stochastic Processes and Queueing Theory
Autore:  Giancarlo Prati, Laura Prati

Collana:  fuori collana (0)

This editon is no longer available. Please follow this link to current edition (2017).

This textbook is born to introduce engineering students to topics of applied mathematics relevant in different fields of ...